• Douglas Brine has taught at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 University since 2009 after having completed his B.A., M.A., Ph值.D. at the Courtauld Institute of Art in London. His research and teaching focus on the visual arts in northern Europe during the late Middle Ages and Renaissance with a particular emphasis on sculpture, 绘画, and metalwork in the Low Countries. His doctoral work was concerned with the art of commemoration and centered on Netherlandish wall-mounted memorials (or "epitaphs") and their relation to contemporary 绘画, notably that of Jan van Eyck and Rogier van der Weyden. His current research project explores the creation, 传播, and meanings of brass and bronze sculpture from the Netherlands during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. A secondary field of interest is the Gothic Revival in nineteenth-century England and the work of the architect and theorist Augustus Pugin.

    Dr Brine’s scholarship has been supported by fellowships at the Courtauld 研究 Forum, the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts (National Gallery of Art), and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 他的书 虔诚的记忆 was published by Brill in 2015; his 艺术公告 article on Van Eyck’s Van der Paele Virgin was awarded the 2015 Arthur Kingsley Porter Prize by the College Art Association.

    虔诚的记忆. The Wall-Mounted Memorial in the Burgundian Netherlands, Studies in Netherlandish Art and Cultural History (Boston/Leiden: Brill, 2015) 


    ‘An unrivalled brass Lectorium’: The Cloisters Lectern and the Gothic Revival in England,” 雕塑杂志 29, no. 1 (2020), pp. 45-63.

    "Pugin’s “Dürers”,Source: Notes in the History of Art 38, no. 1(秋季2018),页. 35-46.

    “Les reliefs votifs, un ensemble exceptionnel,” in La sculpture gothique à Tournai. Splendeur, ruine, vestiges, eds. 卢多维奇Nys & Louis-Donat Casterman (Brussels: Fonds Mercator, 2018), pp. 182-211, 314-315.

    "Reflection and Remembrance in Jan van Eyck’s Van der Paele Virgin,艺术历史 卷. 41, no. 4 (September 2018), pp. 600-623.

    "Jan van Eyck, Canon Joris van der Paele, and the Art of Commemoration,”艺术通讯 卷. 96, no. 3 (September 2014), pp. 265-287. 荣获2015年度 Arthur Kingsley Porter Prize by the College Art Association 

    "Rogier van der Weyden and the Art of Commemoration," in L. 坎贝尔,J. 范德斯托克,C. 雷诺兹和L. Watteeuw (eds),Rogier van der Weyden in ContextPapers presented at the Seventeenth Symposium for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting held in Leuven, 22-24 October 2009 (Paris / Leuven / Walpole, MA 2012), pp. 252-265.

    "Image, text and prayer. The indulgenced memorial tablet of Jean de Libourc (d. 1470), canon of Saint-Omer," 教堂的遗迹 卷. 23 (2008), pp. 45-61, 163-165. Awarded the 教堂的遗迹 Society Essay Prize

    "Evidence for the forms and usage of early Netherlandish memorial 绘画s," Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 卷. 71 (2008), pp. 139-168. (可以从 JSTOR]

    "Rogier van der Weyden and Early Netherlandish Wall Memorials,"浸没式. The Courtauld Institute of Art Journal of Postgraduate 研究 卷. 2, no. 1 (2008), pp. 7-27.

    "Campin's Contemporaries: Painting in Tournai in the Early Fifteenth Century," in L. Nys和D. Vanwijnsberghe (eds), Campin in Context. Peinture et société dans la vallée de l'Escaut à l'époque de Robert Campin 1375-1445 (Valenciennes, Brussels & Tournai 2007), pp. 101-112.

    • 艺术历史 I: Prehistoric to Medieval 
    • Art and Power in Ancient Rome
    • Art and Architecture of Medieval Europe
    • Art at the Courts of Europe, c.1330-1416 
    • Art and Patronage at the Court of Burgundy  
    • Northern Renaissance Art in the Fifteenth Century
    • Jan van Eyck and his Legacy 
    • Albrecht Dürer and his World